Suture Tutor Plus
Master the skills of knot tying and suturing!
SutureTutorPlusTM will benefit any institution delivering training to students or healthcare professionals in the following areas:
- Suturing techniques
- Suture aftercare
- Handling of instruments
- Incision of skin and subcutaneous tissue
- Needles and sutures
- Knot tying
- Scrubbing, gowning and gloving
- Cleaning a wound
- Local anaesthesia
- Patient management and consent
- Other methods of wound closure
Techniques are explained using a combination of clinical video footage, computer animations and practical demonstrations performed on tried-and-tested training models (EN lang.).
The course closely follows the intercollegiate surgical skills curriculum, so the content will help in the acquisition of excellent practical skills through the use of recognised ‘best practice’ techniques.
The full SutureTutorPlusTM course comprises 11 modules, with over 300 short videos and more than 40 step-by-step practical tutorials (EN lang.).
Choose between our Pro and Lite subscription packages:
Pro Subscription (optional)
- access to all 11 online course modules
- PDF course manual for each user to download and keep (EN lang.)
Lite Subscription (optional)
- access to the 6 core online course modules (Handling of instruments, Needles and sutures, Knot tying, Incision of skin & subcutaneous tissue, Suturing techniques, Suture aftercare)
- PDF course manual for each user to download and keep (EN lang.)
Hands-on Kits
Whichever licence option you choose, you will receive 5 FREE SutureTutorPlusTM Hands-on Kits. Extra kits can be purchased, with special pricing for quantities of 20 or more.
Hands-on Kit contents:
- 1 Skin Pad
- 1 Skin Pad Jig
- 1 Knot Tying Kit
- 1 scalpel
- 1 Adson forceps
- 1 Mayo scissors
- 1 Needle holder
- 10 sutures
- Quantitative unit
- ks

Suture Tutor Plus