PP00870 - Weapons of Mass Destruction Kit
The kit comes complete in a rugged carry case and includes the various make-up and accessories listed below.
Stick-On Moulages:
- 6 second degree burn
- 6 burned eyes from mustard gas
- 6 compound fracture humerus
- 6 first, second, third degree burn
- 6 major avulsion, 8 × 5 cm
- 6 avulsion, 3,5 cm
- 6 small sepsis wound
- 6 small exit wound
- 6 star-shaped anthrax wound
- 6 oblong anthrax wound
- 6 large star-shaped anthrax wound
- 6 smallpox (double wound)
- 6 multiple smallpox wound
- 6 IED wound
- 6 multiple mustard gas wound
- 6 small mustard gas wound
- 6 medium mustard gas wound
- 6 large mustard gas wound
Strap-On Moulafes:
- 1 hand amputation
- 1 below knee leg amputation
- 1 below elbow arm amputation
- 1 anthrax forehead
- 1 mustard gas face
- 1 anthrax double wound face
- 1 second - third day smallpox face
- 1 eighth - tenth day smallpox face
- 3 sarin, ricin faces (bleeding eyes and nose, sweating)
Makeup Accessories:
- 100 tongue depressors
- 1 coagulant blood, 4 oz.
- 1 methyl cellulose
- 1 blood powder (19 l)
- 1 body adhesive
- 1 casualty simulation wax, 8 oz.
- 1 white grease paint, 2 oz.
- 1 brown grease paint, 2 oz.
- 1 blue grease paint, 2 oz.
- 1 red grease paint, 2 oz.
- 1 powdered charcoal, 2 oz.
- 1 atomizer
- 6 makeup sponge wedges
- 1 baby powder, 4 oz.
- Quantitative unit
- ks

PP00870 - Weapons of Mass Destruction Kit