M43B - Lumbar Puncture Simulator
Newly added variation of puncture pads, elderly, thick body and epidural enriches trainings.
New supporters allow both sitting position and lateral position.
Pediatric LP training kit M43C is available as an option.
Replaceable skin has improved.
- Closely simulates the lumbar anatomy including the anatomical landmarks.
- Provides life-like sensation of both skin and tissue resistance to the spinal needle.
- Allows students to both collect CSF fluid and measure CSF fluid pressure under clinically realistic conditions.
- A separate anatomical model of the lumbar spine to facilitate anatomical understanding.
- A transparent puncture block for direct observation of both the anatomy and the spinal needle path.
- Lumbar region support stands for either individual or team practice.
- A thorough guidebook to the relevant anatomy, physiology, indications and performance of the lumbar puncture.
- Included also is a guide to CSF uid analysis and LP risk management.
Set includes:
- 1 Lumbar region model
- 6 Puncture blocks: 2 normal CSF, 1 obesity CSF, 1 senior CSF, 1 senior obesity CSF, 1 epidural
- 1 Lumbar region skin cover
- 3 Lumbar region support bases: sitting position, lateral position, team teaching
- 1 Lumbar spine model
- 1 set of irrigator bag, tube, support base and syringe
- 1 Guidebook
- Cannula, injection, puncturing - filter
- Punkce, anestezie, injekce
- Quantitative unit
- ks

M43B - Lumbar Puncture Simulator