
VR1226L - Lidské oko 8 points. VR1226L - The Human Eye
Order Number: 4304.1001496
Types of posters: Malé laminované postery
Format: 50 × 67 [cm]
Description language: English

29,04 Eur with VAT 24,00 Eur

VR1243L - Lidské ucho 8 points. VR1243L - The Human Ear
Order Number: 4304.1001500
Types of posters: Malé laminované postery
Format: 50 × 67 [cm]
Description language: English

29,04 Eur with VAT 24,00 Eur

VR1248L - Hrtan 8 points. VR1248L - Larynx
Order Number: 4304.1001502
Types of posters: Malé laminované postery
Format: 50 × 67 [cm]
Description language: English

29,04 Eur with VAT 24,00 Eur

VR1253L - Nachlazení 8 points. VR1253L - Common cold
Order Number: 4304.1001508
Types of posters: Malé laminované postery
Format: 50 × 67 [cm]
Description language: English

29,04 Eur with VAT 24,00 Eur

VR1263L - Zuby 8 points. VR1263L - The Teeth
Order Number: 4304.1001510
Types of posters: Malé laminované postery
Format: 50 × 67 [cm]
Description language: English

29,04 Eur with VAT 24,00 Eur

VR1283L - Kůže 8 points. VR1283L - The Skin
Order Number: 4304.1001512
Types of posters: Malé laminované postery
Format: 50 × 67 [cm]
Description language: English

29,04 Eur with VAT 24,00 Eur

VR1295L - Rakovina kůže 8 points. VR1295L - Skin Cancer
Order Number: 4304.1001514
Types of posters: Malé laminované postery
Format: 50 × 67 [cm]
Description language: English

29,04 Eur with VAT 24,00 Eur

VR1326L - Zápal plic 8 points. VR1326L - Pneumonia
Order Number: 4304.1001518
Types of posters: Malé laminované postery
Format: 50 × 67 [cm]
Description language: English

29,04 Eur with VAT 24,00 Eur

VR1361L - Hypertenze 8 points. VR1361L - Hypertension
Order Number: 4304.1001532
Types of posters: Malé laminované postery
Format: 50 × 67 [cm]
Description language: English

29,04 Eur with VAT 24,00 Eur

VR1367L - Křečové žíly 8 points. VR1367L - Varicose veins
Order Number: 4304.1001534
Types of posters: Malé laminované postery
Format: 50 × 67 [cm]
Description language: English

29,04 Eur with VAT 24,00 Eur

VR1379L - Krev 8 points. VR1379L - The Blood
Order Number: 4304.1001538
Types of posters: Malé laminované postery
Format: 50 × 67 [cm]
Description language: English

29,04 Eur with VAT 24,00 Eur

VR1425L - Játra 8 points. VR1425L - The Liver
Order Number: 4304.1001544
Types of posters: Malé laminované postery
Format: 50 × 67 [cm]
Description language: English

29,04 Eur with VAT 24,00 Eur

VR1426L - Žaludek 8 points. VR1426L - The Stomach
Order Number: 4304.1001546
Types of posters: Malé laminované postery
Format: 50 × 67 [cm]
Description language: English

29,04 Eur with VAT 24,00 Eur

96-120 160

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