Laboratory equipment

Laboratory instruments for weighing, measuring, preparation and storage of samples. In optics find microscopes, refractometers, polarimeters, Saccharimeters ...

9 points. QPOLKA
Order Number: 2105.Q900205
Brand, Manufacturer: QCell
Description: Police drátěná z chromované oceli pro Q cell 300-1400 Basic

Information about product price on demand

18 points. QPOLKA
Order Number: 2105.Q900206
Brand, Manufacturer: QCell
Description: Police drátěná z nerezové oceli pro Q cell 300-1400 INOX

Information about product price on demand

6 points. QALAR
Order Number: 2105.Q900204
Brand, Manufacturer: QCell
Description: Alarm při zjištění nepřesností, programovatelný

Information about product price on demand

2664-2688 3142

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