Health education


VR1131L - Lidská lebka 8 points. VR1131L - The Human Skull
Order Number: 4304.1001478
Types of posters: Malé laminované postery
Format: 50 × 67 [cm]
Description language: English

29,04 Eur with VAT 24,00 Eur

VR1152L - Lidská páteř 8 points. VR1152L - The Human Spine
Order Number: 4304.1001480
Types of posters: Malé laminované postery
Format: 50 × 67 [cm]
Description language: English

29,04 Eur with VAT 24,00 Eur

VR1171L - Ruka a zápěstí 8 points. VR1171L - Hand and wrist
Order Number: 4304.1001484
Types of posters: Malé laminované postery
Format: 50 × 67 [cm]
Description language: English

29,04 Eur with VAT 24,00 Eur

VR1172L - Pánev a kyčel 8 points. VR1172L - Pelvis and Hip
Order Number: 4304.1001486
Types of posters: Malé laminované postery
Format: 50 × 67 [cm]
Description language: English

29,04 Eur with VAT 24,00 Eur

VR1174L - Kolenní kloub 8 points. VR1174L - The Knee Joint
Order Number: 4304.1001488
Types of posters: Malé laminované postery
Format: 50 × 67 [cm]
Description language: English

29,04 Eur with VAT 24,00 Eur

VR1188L - Sportovní zranění 8 points. VR1188L - Sport injuries
Order Number: 4304.1001494
Types of posters: Malé laminované postery
Format: 50 × 67 [cm]
Description language: English

29,04 Eur with VAT 24,00 Eur

VR1226L - Lidské oko 8 points. VR1226L - The Human Eye
Order Number: 4304.1001496
Types of posters: Malé laminované postery
Format: 50 × 67 [cm]
Description language: English

29,04 Eur with VAT 24,00 Eur

VR1243L - Lidské ucho 8 points. VR1243L - The Human Ear
Order Number: 4304.1001500
Types of posters: Malé laminované postery
Format: 50 × 67 [cm]
Description language: English

29,04 Eur with VAT 24,00 Eur

LF01230U - Trenažér pro kontrolu děložního čípku 260 points. 4107.LF01230
Order Number: 4107.LF01230
Obstetrics, gynecology - filter: Běžné gynekologické a porodnické úkony

629,20 Eur with VAT 520,00 Eur

VR1248L - Hrtan 8 points. VR1248L - Larynx
Order Number: 4304.1001502
Types of posters: Malé laminované postery
Format: 50 × 67 [cm]
Description language: English

29,04 Eur with VAT 24,00 Eur

VR1253L - Nachlazení 8 points. VR1253L - Common cold
Order Number: 4304.1001508
Types of posters: Malé laminované postery
Format: 50 × 67 [cm]
Description language: English

29,04 Eur with VAT 24,00 Eur

2304-2328 2547

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