BS 25/1 - Model of Brain with Indicated cytoarchitectural Areas
BS 25/1 - Model of Brain with Indicated cytoarchitectural Areas
Natural size, made in SOMSO-Plast®. After Prof. Dr. Dr. J. W. Rohen, Department of Anatomy of the University Erlangen. The model separates into 15 parts as follows: cerebral hemisphere (2), temproal and oocipital lobes with limbic system, cerebellum, frontal lobe, corpus callosum, brain stem (2), corpus striatum, insula (2), nucleus lentiformis (left), internal capsule (right), ventricles of the brain, base of the skull as base.
Height: 23 cm., width: 15 cm., depth: 18 cm., weight: 1.8 kg
- Head, nervous system - filter
- Nervový systém
- Quantitative unit
- ks

BS 25/1 - Model of Brain with Indicated cytoarchitectural Areas