5655 - Astronomie
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- The solar system.
- Breakdown of sunlight.
- The shape of the earth.
- Poles, meridians and parallels.
- Terrestrial magnetism.
- The orientation.
- The motions of the earth.
- The apparent motion of the sun.
- The day and the night.
- The height of the sun during the day.
- The measurement of time.
- Time zones.
- The sundial.
- If the earth's axis were not inclined.
- Consequences of the inclination of the earth's axis.
- The solar irradiation on the earth's surface.
- Seasons.
- The satellite of the earth - the moon.
- The lunar phases.
- The eclipses.
- Astronomy and geology - filter
- Sluneční soustava
- Quantitative unit
- ks

5655 - Astronomie